How to Restore Our Spectrum and Protect Ourselves From EMFs.

Since technology is such an integral part of our lives in today’s world. How do we restore our spectrum and protect our personal well being? We have found solutions that can restore your spectrum while proving protection from harmful EMF Radiation. Protecting ourselves from these dangerous Electromagnetic Fields (EMFS) is a must!! And this is why I am writing this article.

What are EMFs and Why are They Harmful?

Let me begin by explaining what EMFs are and why you need protection from them. These are invisible energy fields created by any electronic device. TVs, Wi-Fi Routers, Laptops, Desktops, Cell Phones, Tablets, and anything else that uses electricity. Even the power lines coming into your house cell phone towers produce EMFs. These EMFs are divided into two categories.

  1. Ionizing EMFs – These include things like X-rays, gamma rays and anything else that produces radiation. The energy from these sources will ionize atoms and exposure could damage DNA. They are the most harmful.
  2. Non-Ionizing EMFs – Produce lower energy levels meaning they are, basically, not as harmful. But consider the list above; Cellphones, TVs, etc. and then think about the health risk involved with prolonged exposure. Then consider your daily contact with these items.

And while you are thinking about these things, here is some more food for thought.

Health Concerns Associated With Non-Ionizing EMFs

In recent years there has been a growing concern about these sources of non-ionizing EMFs and how prolonged exposure can affect our health. Although the jury is still out, there have been several studies that would suggest a link between prolonged exposure to EMFs and the following health concerns.

Restore our spectrum
  1. Sleep Disturbances, including Insomnia
  2. Severe Headaches and Migraines
  3. Increased Risk of Certain Cancers

And those are just a few of the risk. Therefore we should take the necessary to reduce our exposure to these EMFs. As well as protecting ourselves from them in areas where they are impossible to avoid.

Ways We Have Found Ways to Restore Our Spectrum

You can start by creating a more harmonious environment in both your home and work locations. And her is a guide that will help you achieve that goal, focusing on EMF protection:

  1. Access: Start by identifying potential sources of these non-ionizing EMFs. Things like Wi-Fi routers, Cellphones, Smart Meters, Laptops, Desktops, and anything else that might produce these EMFs. You can do this by using an EMF Meter to locate areas of high exposure.
  2. Find Ways to Reduce EMF Exposure: Either reposition or replace electronic devices that have a high EMF readings. Find other places for your cellphone besides on your nightstand when you are sleeping.
  3. Get Grounded: Get outside more. Take a long walk, got to the Park, do anything to connect with nature. this process grounding, or earthing, may have beneficial effects on your health. Not only that, it can reduce the negative impact of EMFs.
  4. Find a Personal EMF Protection Device: Consider getting a personal, wearable EMF protection device to protect from exposure nearby devices. As well as EMF neutralizing devices that can easily be applied to the back of your cellphone, laptop, desktop, or any other EMF producing device in your home or office.
  5. Stay Informed: Keep updated on EMF-related developments and research. Staying informed about the risks will enable you to make an informed decision about what EMF protection is best for you you and your Loved Ones.

EMF Protection to Help Restore Your Spectrum

One of the best ways to help restore your spectrum is to effectively implement EMF protection strategies. Here is what I have done for EMF protection.

Restore our spectrum

Here is my story: I work from home and I spend approximately 8-10 hours a day, sometimes more, rarely less, and I enjoy it. So much so that I do not consider it working.

My wife is disabled and has a hard time doing things around the house. This allows me the time to take a break and help her if she needs something. The perfect career choice for our circumstances. My wife also spends a lot of time on her computer as well.

Okay, enough personal, back to my solution. I installed these SMALL BIO ARC DISC on my Desktop and Laptop and her laptop as well. they are also on the back of our phones, TVs and Wi-Fi routers also. We are both sleeping better than we have in years. We have both enjoyed a noticeable reduction in our stress levels as well.

Let Me Finish With This

Restoring your spectrum means you create a pleasant and health-conscious environment to live in, and part of that includes protecting yourself against exposure to EMFs and the possible health Risk associated with that exposure. Admittedly, the research on the effects of EMF exposure is, as of right now, is not conclusive. Becoming proactive and taking steps to reduce your exposure is only prudent. Especially if you are concerned about your health and well-being. And by following the steps I have outlined here you can begin the journey of restoring your spectrum. And this will help you live a healthier more balanced life. Especially in today’s technology driven societies.

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