Is College Worth It?

Is College Worth It? According to the facts that Tucker Carlson present below, the answer to that question is resounding NO!! With Mr. Carlson’s recent departure from FOX News, this Video might not be up much longer. Forgive us if it does. And we will post an update if that happens. But for now I am going to share some information from the Video.

Tucker Carlson Tonight – FOX News

So again I ask “Is College Worth It?” For certain Professions that require technical or specialized training, YES. But considering the skyrocketing cost of tuition, most people decide not to go this route.

I dropped out of College halfway through my second semester. There were several factors that contributed to this decision, but I will list just a few.

  • I found out what I would be making after graduating with a 4 year degree in my chosen Profession.
  • I did not want a bunch of Student Loan Debt that I could never repay.
  • I soon realized that there was more indoctrination than education going on.
  • I barely opened a book and still had a GPA of 3.9 when I left.

These factors, and many more, made me realize that for me, college was a WASTE of MY TIME, MONEY, RESOURCES, and ENERGY.

There are individuals individuals today that will never be able to repay their student load debt. And that number is getting larger everyday.

College Tuition keeps going up, as does the GPA (Grade Point Average) of the Students, while at the same time, REAL World results for those who Graduate are Declining.

Meaning they can’t find a job in their field of study, or otherwise.

Here is another quote from the Video above.

“Colleges barely teach, yet every year they increase their fees. Try that in a private business, you might get indicted for fraud. Do it at an American university and you get billions in taxpayer subsidies.” — Tucker Carlson Tonight

And the question still remains is College Worth It?

So once again a list of facts from the Video;

  • Over their first 2 years, 45 percent of these students “did not demonstrate any significant improvement in learning.”
  • And during a 4 year program, almost 40 percent did not learn anything.
  • 35 percent of Students claim to spend less than 5 hours a week studying.

It is becoming clearer everyday, that college does not make a Person Smarter.

We have all heard variations of the following quote:

Question: What do you have when a fool Graduates College? Answer: A fool wit a college degree.”

  • Adult illiteracy is consistently increasing, even among College graduates.
  • Most College Graduates cannot perform basic Cognitive Tasks like calculating the cost of food in a Grocery Store.
  • On Standardized Test, College Graduates in the U.S. score lower than High School Students in several Countries.
  • So-Called Prestigious Universities have been lowering Academic Standards for years.

YET we Continue to send Billions in Tax Payer Dollars to these failing Institutions!!! WHAT!!! If a Private Business was doing this, there would be Fraud Indictments. 

Are there problems with our Colleges and Universities Today?

Thankfully Our Community has found an Answer.

And you can find our answer here.

Is College Worth It?

For Certain Professions, yes. But only because you need technical expertise and training provided those institutions. The training, yes. The Price, only if you can afford it.

But if you cannot afford college? Or maybe you tried college and realized that it was not for you? Then we have found a solution for you. This system can produce Part-Time, Full Time, or even Life Changing Income.

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