The Regenerative Agriculture Movement:

 Creating Nutrient-Dense Food by Healing The Soil

Regenerative Agriculture

The Regenerative Agriculture Movement is a Response to a growing concern that the centralized, industrialized approach to farming is wrong. This approach has led to the depletion of nutrients from the soil, creating a multitude of negative consequences for both our health and the environment. But this regenerative movement is providing a solution.

First we Must Realize and Understand: “We Have Been Doing It Wrong”

To realize why our current agricultural practices are flawed, we must examine and understand the science. Centralized, large-scale farming has led to soil degradation. Creating a major decline in the nutritional quality of our food. Metabolic Diseases and Disorders are contributing factors to as many 8 out of every 10 deaths. The list of Metabolic Diseases and Disorders is long, but it includes:

This is why I love this Online Community, we are committed to finding solutions to problems, not just highlighting the PROBLEM.

Something has to Change.

You Start That Change by Producing Beef Differently

This 3rd generation cattle rancher has recently changed the focus of his operation, moving it into Regenerative Agriculture. The process of producing nutrient-dense foods by restoring soil health. His is one many illustrations of the transformative power that sustainable farming practices provide. It also provides a glimpse at the potential for a positive change in how we grow and consume our food. He concentrated his efforts on raising grass fed cattle and butchering only the older fattest cows.

When it Comes to Nutrient Density: Regenerative Agriculture is A Game-Changer

When the test results came back and cattle raised under the regenerative agriculture movement were compared to other cattle, the results were staggering, but revealing some startling insights. The nutrient density of their cattle was 64% higher than other grass-finished beef. And when their beef was compared to the traditional grain-finished beef (what you find in most grocery stores). The nutrient density of their beef was an astonishing 239% higher.

The Omega 3 to 6 Ratio was also Better

Their beef is not only packed with more nutrients, but their Omega 3 to 6 ratio was deemed 31/2 times better for good human health. Essential amino acids, needed for our well-being, were 70% higher than the average grass fed beef. And even the non-essential amino acids, needed for overall health, were 80% higher.

A Superior Product with Unmatched Flavor

These regenerative agricultural practices have produced a product that surpasses ANYTHING currently on the market. And it is not just nutritional benefits, but flavor as well. According to science, flavor and aroma are closely linked to nutrient density. And this beef is filled with both.

Since labels only tell half the story, we urge you to trust your taste buds. They were created to help us identify nutrient-dense foods.

Regenerative Agriculture and Land Management

Over grazing and other land mismanagement practices have had a degrading effect. Depleting the nutrients in the soil. But thanks to the regenerative land management strategies implemented by this committed rancher, we can produce nutrient-dense food to combat the nutritional deficiencies in most diets.

This journey into regenerative agriculture and how it offers hope for our food chain but also our health as a nation. This is accomplished shifting priorities to more sustainable practices like soil health, creating nutrient dense foods with greater flavor. And we as consumers have the ability to demand these nutrient-dense foods produced through this process.

Get Some Awesomeness Delivered

And now we have joined Forces with this Rancher providing you with the opportunity to get this nutrient-dense, delicious beef delivered to your door.

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