Why Am I A Link Post Blogger?

Why Am I a link post blogger? I get asked that question all the time. So here is my answer. And admittedly, it is not a short answer. But the main reason is I love to write. I can write on just about any Topic. I used to write only about thing that interested me and then I would post those articles on various platforms. And for my effort I made pennies every month, LITERALLY pennies. $.02 and up, I think the most I ever made in one month was $0.23, and that was spread out over several different websites.

I Have Not Always Enjoyed Writing

Link Post Blogger

Actually, I have not always enjoyed doing the research necessary to write a quality particle or paper. The C- on my Senior English Term Paper proved that. Barely graduating from high school made me realize that college was not an option for me at that time. At the time I thought I had more important things to spend my money on. And I did not want a bunch of Student Loan Debt. The fact is I did not really know what I wanted. My dad had died when I was 11. He collapsed at work and was pronounced dead at the scene when the Ambulance arrived.

And for financial reasons my mother moved me and my sister back to MS. Then my senior year of high school my mother died. This made me a homeless orphan. So I stayed with relatives till I graduated from high school at which time I joined the Air Force.

After spending 11 years in the Air Force, That Career Ended.

My First assignment after Basic Training and Tech School was Mountain Home AFB, ID, and I loved it. But 4 years later I was transferred to the United Kingdom for 4 more years. Then once again, I was transferred back stateside to Cannon AFB, NM. And this is where my Military Career ended. The Plane I was working on was retired. That combined with the reduction in force size during the 1990’s convinced me to end my time in the military. I really wanted to stay in and get my pension, but that was not in the cards. So after 11 years of service, I once again had to start over.

I Tried Going to College

After being out of school for over 12 years I thought I would try College on the G.I. Bill. Unfortunately I still did not know what I wanted to do. But I did realize I enjoyed writing. But at that time I did not know how to monetize it. And it seemed that the only JOBS that I could get did not pay a lot of money.

Since The Only Good Paying JOB I could find was as a Truck Driver.

That is what I did for the next 22 years. Unfortunately, I still had not learned how budget the money I was earning and could not get a whole lot saved. I spent the first four years over the road, until I got married. Then I took a local job hauling hazardous materials. I thought being home every night would be great. WROONG!!!! I spent most of the next 12 years driving primarily at night. And since my wife worked during the day, we still never saw each other. I would get home in time to see her off to work. And vice-versa.

Then she would get home as I was going to work. Needless to say we did not get a lot of quality time together. Especially when I was gone 12 to 14 hours a day, six days a week. This meant that I usually spent my one day off sleeping. I would probably still be doing that except for the fact that towards the end it had slowed down so much I was lucky to be working three or four days a week. So once again I was forced back out over the road.

Wife’s Health Eventually Forced Me to Quit Driving a Truck and Come Back Home.

Unfortunately during this time the trucking industry went through a major slowdown. During which time I spent more time sitting waiting for a load than I did hauling freight. That, combined with the fact that my wife’s health had deteriorated to the point that she could no longer take care of herself. It was time for me to quit driving a truck. Once again the timing was not the greatest.

This was right in the middle of the COVID shutdowns, and nobody was hiring. The only thing I could do was drive, so I got a gig-job delivering groceries and restaurant orders to all the people who where stuck at home or work and could not or would not leave their home or office to get something to eat. And it went pretty well for a while. then everybody started doing these jobs. Again more delivery drivers meant fewer deliveries per driver.

Started Blogging to Supplement my Income

This is when my wife suggested that I try writing a blog, at the time I did not even know what a blog was. So I started writing articles and posting them on various sites that paid me when people read my articles. But as I mentioned earlier, when you are only making pennies every month it does not seem worth the effort.

So I continued working as a gig driver, writing when I was not working or sleeping. Then our only vehicle broke down. Which resulted in me no longer having an income, and no money to get the car fixed.

My wife read an article about working from home as a Link Post Blogger.

Link Post Blogging

Then my wife read an advertisement talking about link post bloggers, and the personal income that they were generating. So we decided to try and turn this bad luck into an opportunity. I had managed to save a few dollars and we joined this Online Community Performance Blogging System and I started their training to become a link post blogger.

What is A Link Post Blogger?

When I started this journey, I had no idea either. So I will attempt to explain it. let us start with an example. Clicking on the link or video below will take you to another page inside this PBS, Joseph’s Treasures.

PBS Performance Blogging System – Joseph’s Treasures

Link Post Blogger

And if you watched the video, Our founder explained that this is what we do. We are affiliate marketers that write articles about goods and services that our affiliates are providing. One of my personal favorites are these Awesome Meat Boxes, and you can read more about this affiliate by going here, or here. Two different pages, two different links.

This is not a Get Rich Quick Scam or Scheme

This is a proven system that works for all who work it. And if you follow the training and work the system, it will reward you. BUT ONLY IF YOU DO THE WORK!

Remember this as well, we do provide complete training. and that training includes 1 on 1, group, and online.

As always, questions about this, (or anything else in this Community Information System) Learn More by CLICKING HERE