Create a Treasure While Tracking Your Vitals!

Have you been looking for a way to protect your health and PRIVACY? With the Inpersona and Helo Solutions we are introducing here, you can.

The video below will give you more details on what the Inpersona and Helo Solutions are and how they can protect both your Health and Privacy.

Welcome to the future in Medical Data and Health Innovations. Inpersona and Helo Health Innovations utilizes the latest technology to collect and protect our Medical Data. While BIG TECH is making a fortune, they think nothing about putting our Privacy at Risk in the process. After all, Data is the new oil. And they make Millions of Dollars every year selling our DATA to the highest bidder. Don’t believe me, do an online search about Heart Disease, Diabetes, or any other serious ailment and see how long it takes to get inundated with ADS. You have the RIGHT to protect your HEALTH DATA, and here is how.

If you are currently using any device that Accumulates Data on your Health, and it does not offer protection for that Data, STOP!!! Otherwise Big Tech can take control of that Data and then release to anyone who will pay for it. This is all about our right to Privacy. If the technology you are currently using is tied to Big Tech, it is available to the Highest Bidder. Inpersona and Helo Devices are the Solution you need NOW.

We will get you started below, but first let’s do a quick overview:

Inpersona and Helo
  • Order your own individual Helo Device: Not only does this give you the ability to control your Health Data, but you can also benefit from it.
  • In addition to this: As you become healthier and share this innovation with your Community, everyone can gain in Rewards.
  • How this is Done: The Socialfi and Healthfi systems inside the Inpersona Solution do this automatically.

All of this is explained in the Video at the Beginning of this page.

The Inpersona.Com Page also keeps all of this information constantly updated and will make it availably to you.

Where to start, depending on your operating system, use one of the Links below to download the Free Inpersona App:

Apple Istore start Here:

Google Play Start Here:

Once you have downloaded the APP. Then hit “RUN” or OPEN” depending on your system and set up your New Account. Once you set up your New Account you will need an “INVITE CODE”. You can either get one from us here, or if you know who is already connected the Inpersona App you can obtain one from them:

Now that you have downloaded and set up your Inpersona App, please set up your Crypto Wallet inside the Inpersona App. This is were your Rewards will be paid out. These are USDV tokens, or Cryptocurrency. We will be offering training and education on this in the Future. The future is here. Like it or not. The world of Cryptocurrency that is.

The Inpersona App will walk you through this process. It is a 4 Step Process briefly discussed below. These steps include creating passphrases to secure your “WALLET”, your might want to write these passphrases down and store them someplace safe, just in case.

The APP will offer you 3 Options to set up Your Wallet Inside

1st OPTION – Just Create a new Wallet, it is the easiest.

2nd and 3rd Options – These Options involve importing an existing wallet. If you already know how to do this, great. If not, SEE option 1.

NEXT; You will want to select an Investment Level for NFTs. Since I only Know what the Video Tells us all. The Video below can explain it better than could. (Please Watch):

Now, if you have not already done so, Order your Helo Device and when it arrives you are ready to Activate it. Step by Step activation instructions are included with your device and can be done from inside the APP.

Then all you have to do is wear, earn, and share this process with others. You can do this by going to your Hub Consoles and using Your Invite Invite Codes located there. This is another way you can earn $$$ thru the NFT Process.

Be sure to use PROMO CODE: INP290295405 when ordering your Helo Device.

This Code will give you 10% off your Helo Device!

Something to Consider:

  • Do you have an Elderly Loved One, or know someone who has a Family Member they are always worrying about. Especially if they have limited access to Health Care. The Helo Device and Inpersona App or the tools they need to summon Help in an Emergency situation. They also give you the ability to check in on them daily, Even if there are great distances between you.

This alone makes the Inpersona App and Helo Device a WIN.

TROUBLESHOOTING: If have any problems with the Helo Device:

Please contact Contact Us.


Although the Inpersona App and Helo Devices can protect our Personal Medical Data from BIG TECH, here are a few other things we offer that might actually help to improve your overall health:

  • For instance, A glass of a Premium Red Wine can help to reduce Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Stress; while increasing your energy at the same time. Just try drinking 1 glass every night and see what happens over the next Thirty days. You will notice changes, you can track these changes with your new Helo Device in the Inpersona App. However, you need to make sure you are drinking a truly a Fine Wine. Not one of those Mass-Marketed, found at any Grocery Store or Liquor Store Brands. To ensure you are getting the Finest Wines possible please check out the Selection of Fine Wines From Here.
  • We also know that taking Vitamins and other Nutritional Products is a great way to improve our health and quality of LIFE. And with the Inpersona App and Helo Device, watch as your vitals improve today, tomorrow, as well as over time with these incredible Bio-Hacking Products. They can help you lose weight as well.

Questions about this, (or anything else in this Community Information System) Learn More by CLICKING HERE