
Just add a magic bio-hacking creamer to your favorite coffee. Enjoy the coffee and watch inches and fat melt away.

I like coffee, not plain, flavored blends like Vanilla Nut, Hawaiian Hazelnut, Caramel Pecan, and others. When it comes to coffee, we all have favorites, just like Fine Wines. Some of us have tried many different blends, trying to find that ONE blend that makes you go WOW.

Thanks to VELOVITA, we now have a product that not only makes coffee taste better, but can also help you lose WEIGHT.

plôs® THERMO

That product is plôs thermo, it is the result of bio-hacking. Squeeze this handy SNAP into your favorite beverage and enjoy. It’s a non-dairy creamer and enhances your already favorite brew. Losing Weight through so-called “coffee diets” has been tried before; up until now, they were usually done wrong. It is not about making coffee that helps you lose weight. This has been tried again and again. Does it work? Not always, not long anyway. Besides the ingredients that make it work are soon banned because of health concerns after its release. It’s a non-dairy creamer and enhances your already favorite brew.

Simple put! We get to lose weight through this bio-hacking non-dairy creamer while it enhances our mood, uplifts our spirits, and helps the thermogenic properties to burn that stored (unwanted) fat.

Make that morning cup, or Second cup, of Coffee even better.

Just add an “Amazing” SNAP to your Morning Coffee and watch as you to lose 10-20 pounds of unwanted fat and inches a month!


When it comes to my eating habits, routines, and lifestyle, mine are pretty normal. Typical that is if your taste is for the finer things; Fine Food, Fine Wines, and Gourmet Chocolates. I also find it hard to pass on a great piece of Pie, great Cheesecake, or any Cake, if I’m honest. This makes good food taste even Better. Also helping to naturally control your appetite so you end up eating less, and reducing your cravings for comfort food as well.

 It is awesome having this incredible non-dairy creamer plôs thermo to add to your morning brew

The new delicious Mocha flavor of plôs thermo is a great addition to any cup of coffee, regardless of your blend. In Addition; there even more “Awesome” products. Products designed to help you sleep, feel better, increase your mental focus and mood, as well as to better your hair, nails, skin and so much more.

So Start Today Unlocking a New You: Your Own Brew + plôs® Thermo = A More Satisfied You!

It is recommended that you add plôs® Thermo to 8-10 oz. of coffee. But the new Mocha flavor is so good that you might want to drink it straight and chase it with the coffee. For maximum effect on body composition please use with their other Products brān® and zlēm®

Here is a brief introduction to those products.

  • Brān® – This is a supplement designed to boost your mental energy, improve focus and mood, as well as helping your body burn glucose and stored body fat.
  • Zlēm® is a natural two-stage sleep supplement. Stage 1 promotes faster sleep and Stage 2 aids nighttime fat burning. Benefits include improved sleep, weight management, and stress reduction. No FDA evaluation; not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure.
  • Uüth® – Do you want to reverse what time has done to your body? Then you need to try premium geleé, it is specifically designed to help you live, look, and feel more vibrant and youthful.
  • Byōm® – Considering the fact that many long-term and systemic health related problems are associated with poor gut health. This non-dairy, probiotic packed snap could help eliminate most problems associated with digestive issues.

Start Today Transforming your daily coffee routine into a health-conscious and enjoyable experience with plôs® Thermo. Embracing the benefits that supporting your body composition goals, and savoring the satisfaction of a new, healthier you.

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